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Guests must be 19+ years of age with valid government issued photo id and one secondary piece of id (photos of id not accepted). Minors are permitted until 10pm if accompanied by their parent, legal guardian or a responsible adult within arms reach at all times while in venue. We are a member of bar watch in partnership with the vpd.


Set a new high score

Time for some friendly competition: step into world of recreational games, arcade staples, and carnival classics.

Weekday Wins

Score some weekday wins

with daily deals on food, drinks, gaming and recreational games, Monday through Friday!


It’s time to live out your Katniss or Legolas fantasy. Round up your crew and put your precision, balance, and coordination to the test. Who will be the first to hit the bullseye and claim Top Archer glory?

There’s something for everyone

  • VR Storm

    Complete with interactive elements and a competitive scoring system, this Virtual Reality simulator ride has motion seats, wind effects, a hand-tracking system attached to the headset for quick turn-around times, and two-player mode. Battle it out and ride the storm! *Available for select Parties & Groups rentals
  • Pool

    Whether you’ve never played before or are a certified shark, nothing beats a good old-fashioned game of pool. Rack ‘em up and remember, loser buys the next round.

How it works

Get your game on

Pick up a game band at a kiosk or from our hosts, load your credits, and scan at any game to play. Your game band keeps track of your remaining credits and points, which you can cash in for prizes from our Trophy Case.